About Us

Board of Directors

The Board consists of 16 members, each elected for a four-year term by the membership. Within the Board of Directors, committees are formed to oversee specific areas such as Education, Annual Symposium, etc.

Below is the list of CALAS/ACSAL Board Members. If you have any questions regarding the organization, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate person.

Any member in good standing may be nominated for election to the Board of Directors.

CALAS/ACSAL Board Members

Vice-President & Secretary



Awards Committee Chair
Certifications Committee Chair

Marketing and Promotions Chair
Membership and Volunteer Committee Chair
Regional Chapter Committee Chair
Symposium Chair
Webinar Committee Chair
Directors at Large

Liaisons to the Board
Gayle Paquette

Kelley Putzu

Christina Barnes

Megan Fuller

Martha Manning
Jennifer MacDonald

Kelley Putzu

Stephane Matte
Candace Keller

Christina Barnes

Charly McKenna

Michele Moroz
Dr. Jennifer Keyte
Moira Holley
Alison Weller
Charly McKenna

Megan Fuller
(Representative to CCAC)
Karen Parisien
(National Office Liaison)
Dr. Jennifer Keyte
(Representative to ICLAS)
Kelley Putzu
(Representative to EARA)